Depending on the area that you are seeing weeds, we have a few different options for weed control. For lawn areas, we offer a 100% organic pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer called Synergy. This product will keep weed seeds from germinating. If you are looking to have less weeds, this is best used in spring and fall. We also have a 100% organic post-emergent weed control and fertilizer for lawns called One Earth. This product will kill broadleaf weeds, and you will typically see results after about 48 hours with proper watering.
For native areas we offer a product called Milestone. This is a synthetic weed control spray but is a very low toxic spray. This can only be used in native areas and does not contain a fertilizer.
For your non-turf areas, we have two product options. We offer a pre-emergent weed control that is ideally put down over the winter to prevent winter annuals and spring annuals from germinating. This product will only affect weed seeds. And for the weeds that do come up we offer a 100% organic weed control called Avenger. This is best applied to young, actively growing weeds.
Lastly, we offer a specialty weed control called Drive XLR8. This product is used to treat bindweed and crabgrass. It can be used in the lawn, non-turf, and native areas for those weeds.
Below are some of the most common weeds found in the front range, and how to prevent or eliminate them.
This weed is one of the most common weeds found in native areas. Canada Thistle is best controlled using Milestone in native areas. Although this is not an organic product, it is on the EPA’s reduced-risk list. If found in the lawn the best treatment is One Earth, which is 100% organic.
This weed is often found in nutrient-deficient soils. The best long-term treatment for this issue is feeding the lawn with an organic fertilizer, and also, by making sure the lawn is being watered properly. But if you want it gone now we have found good results with doing back-to-back applications of our One Earth, which is a 100% organic weed control and fertilizer. This weed has the job of a natural erosion protection. Crabgrass is most commonly seen around the edges of a lawn, or in a lawn that is thinning or stressed. This weed can be prevented by proper cultural practices, including mowing tall. If you do see this weed come up it can be treated with Drive XLR8.This weed is most commonly found in native areas, and we get great control of it using our native area spray called Milestone. This weed usually flowers in April or May and are usually present through July.
This weed has the job of a natural erosion protection. Crabgrass is most commonly seen around the edges of a lawn, or in a lawn that is thinning or stressed. This weed can be prevented by proper cultural practices, including mowing tall. If you do see this weed come up it can be treated withCurly Dock (Rumex Crispus)
Drive XLR8.
This weed is most commonly found in native areas, and we get great control of it using our native area spray called Milestone. This weed usually flowers in April or May and are usually present through July.
This biennial weed is best controlled with a one-two punch. The seeds can be controlled with our Synergy, which is a 100% organic pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer. Then when the dandelions with an established root system come up, we hit them with our One Earth. Over time as you regularly use the Synergy – spring and fall – you will see less and less weeds since it is preventing those weed seeds from germinating.

Bindweed (Convolvulus Arvensis)
This is a perennial weed that has a very extensive root system. It’s a vine-like weed that will twist around anything near it. This weed is most commonly found in drought stressed areas. In the long-term this weed can be controlled by proper watering and proper mowing practices. We get the best control of this weed when it is treated with Drive XLR8.Canada Thistle: Creeping Thistle (Cirsium Arvense)

Clover: Often White Clover (Trifolium)

Crabgrass: Finger-grasses (Digitaria)

Curly Dock (Rumex Crispus)

Dandelion (Taraxacum)