Avenger admin February 21, 2023


Effective Organic Alternative to Products like Roundup.

Made From Lemon and Orange Peel Oil

Avenger Weed Killer is a natural, organic herbicide designed to control a variety of weeds in rock and mulch beds. It is a non-selective, contact herbicide, meaning it kills any plant it touches, including weeds, grasses, and broadleaf plants. Avenger is a wonderful natural alternative to products like Roundup.

Key Benefits of Avenger Weed Control

Active Ingredient

Avenger Weed Killer’s primary active ingredient is d-limonene, a citrus oil extract derived from oranges and other citrus peels. This natural compound acts as a desiccant, breaking down the waxy cuticle of plant leaves, which leads to dehydration and death of the plant.

OMRI Listed

Avenger is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) certified, meaning it meets the standards for organic gardening and farming. It is commonly used by organic gardeners and farmers who avoid synthetic chemical herbicides.

Fast-Acting Results

Visible results typically appear within 2–4 hours of application. Weeds begin to wilt, turn brown, and dry out quickly, especially in warm, sunny conditions.

Environmentally Friendly

Avenger Weed Killer is biodegradable, leaving no toxic residue in the soil. It breaks down naturally and does not persist in the environment, making it safer for soil health, pets, and people.

Non-Selective Herbicide

Because it kills all plants it comes in contact with, this product is only used in rock beds and mulch beds.

Avenger Weed Killer

Avenger Weed Killer is a fast-acting, organic herbicide with a natural citrus-based formula. It delivers visible results in just hours and is OMRI-listed for environmental safety. Designed to work in both cool and warm weather, it provides an effective, eco-friendly solution for weed control.

Organic vs Chemical

Advantages Over Products that Contain Glyphosate (Roundup)

Fast Results

See weeds and grasses die in as little as 24 hours.


Can be used in areas where children and pets play.

Environmentally Friendly

Made from orange and lemon peel extracts.  Leaves no harmful residues.

OMRI Certified

Suitable for organic farming and gardening.

Fast Results

Avenger is an organic alternative to products like Roundup. Avenger is primarily used in rock and mulch beds for weed and grass control.

Limitations of Avenger Weed Control

Kills Only Active Weeds

It does not prevent new weeds from emerging, as it is a contact herbicide, not a pre-emergent.

Multiple Applications May be Necessary

Avenger is non-systemic, meaning it does not kill the roots of the weed.  It only kills the area of the plant that was sprayed.

Works Only on Small Weeds

Avenger works best on weeds that are young and smaller.  Weeds that are taller than 6 inches may not be affected by the application.

Avenger Weed Killer is ideal for those seeking an effective, organic alternative to chemical herbicides like glyphosate.

Contact vs Systemic Herbicide

CONTACT HERBICIDE – Kills only the part of the plant it touches, acting quickly but not affecting the roots. Best for annual weeds and multiple applications may be required for complete control of the plant.

SYSTEMIC HERBICIDE – Absorbed by the plant and moved throughout, reaching the roots for complete eradication. Ideal for perennial weeds and grasses.

Avenger Weed and Grass Killer Strengths

The Best Organic Weed and Grass Killer

  • Avenger is a fast-acting natural weed killer that shows visible results within just 2 hours after application.
  • Made from highly biodegradable ingredients, it dissipates quickly in the environment.
  • An effective, non-toxic weed killer is a non-toxic alternative for use around people, pets, children, and wildlife.
  • Works well in cool and cloudy conditions, even at temperatures as low as 40º F.
  • Avenger does not stain brick, concrete, or pavement areas, and you can plant in sprayed areas within hours after application without harming grass or flower seeds.
  • Made from orange, lemon, and other citrus fruit peels, Avenger has a pleasant citrus aroma.
  • It is EPA registered and OMRI approved (Organic Materials Research Institute), making it one of the best natural weed killers available.
  • Avenger effectively controls small weeds, grasses, and broadleaf weeds that are 4 inches or smaller, including: spurge, sowthistle, redroot pigweed, annual bluegrass, shepherd’s purse, common purslane, chickweed, clover, hairy fleabane, crabgrass, dandelion, filaree, bermudagrass, prickly lettuce, lambsquarters, and mallow.
  • This versatile weed killer is perfect for rock and mulch areas at your home or business in Boulder or Fort Collins.
  • The active ingredient D-Limonene is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA, meaning it poses essentially no measurable toxicity to people and pets.
  • Avenger weed killer is proudly made in the USA.

Avenger Works Fast

Avenger is an organic alternative to products like Roundup. This means it will kill both weeds and grasses.

Avenger Weed and Grass Killer

Ideal Time to Have Avenger Applied

Avenger can be applied whenever there are weeds in a rock or mulch bed. The weeds should be no taller than 4 inches, and multiple applications may be needed for complete control. This product is most effective on younger weeds that are exposed to full sunlight.

Avenger Weed Killer Application Season

We start Avenger applications as early as April and continue through early September.


Avenger Pesticide Information

Avenger weed and grass killer is registered with the EPA by Cutting Edge Formulations, EPA reg. # 82052-1. Avenger is also registered with the Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Avenger Label PDF
Avenger SDS PDF

Order an Avenger Weed Control Application for Your Rock and Mulch Beds

 (303) 499-2000 in Boulder or (970) 225-9425 in Fort Collins

Avenger Weed Killer FAQ's

What is the best organic alternative to using Roundup weed killer?

If you’re in search of an effective, natural solution for weed control in your rock and mulch beds, look no further than Avenger. This 100% organic herbicide is derived from orange and lemon peel extracts, making it a better choice for your rock and mulch bed weed control.

How Does Avenger Weed Killer Work?

Avenger works as a powerful degreaser that removes the waxy protective layer from plants, leaving weeds vulnerable to dehydration. Without this essential barrier, they cannot defend themselves from the sun and heat, leading to rapid moisture loss. For best results, Avenger is highly effective on weeds that are 4 inches tall or smaller. Choose Avenger for a healthy and eco-friendly approach to weed management!

Avenger typically starts to work within a few hours and can take up to 36 hours after application for full effectiveness. It performs best on days when temperatures are above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that areas in full shade may yield varied results. The hotter and sunnier it is, the more effective Avenger becomes.

Avenger only targets the top growth of weeds or grasses, leaving the roots unharmed. As a result, weeds may regrow after treatment. Additionally, Avenger does not prevent the germination of future weeds, meaning that new weeds can sprout again. Therefore, a second application may be necessary. Generally, throughout a growing season, 3 to 4 applications are recommended for complete control.

Avenger is 100% organic and derived from citrus oil. We do not recommend eating it. We recommend keeping off the area until the product has dried.

Note that the Colorado Department of Ag does not permit the use of the word safe when describing weed controls.  Even though Avenger is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the FDA, meaning it poses essentially no measurable toxicity to people and pets, it cannot be called safe. 

Yes. Avenger is a non-selective herbicide, so it can damage any vegetation it touches. Our technicians are extremely careful and do not to spray Avenger on any plants considered desirable (unless you direct us otherwise). We recommend marking desirable plants that look like weeds to avoid any unwanted killing of desirable plants.

Avenger is a contact herbicide, meaning it only kills the parts of the plant that it directly touches. Results can be observed within 1 to 36 hours after application. On the other hand, Glyphosate is a translocation (systemic) herbicide, which means it can move throughout the entire plant, even if the applicator did not achieve complete coverage. Results from Glyphosate can be seen between 10 to 14 days after application. coverage. Glyphosate results are seen between 10 to 14 days after the application.

We recommend staying off the area until the Avenger has dried.

If it rains or if the product is applied incorrectly (for example, on a cold day), we will reapply the product at no additional cost. You will need to wait 2 to 5 days to see if the product has been effective. After that period, please give us a call to discuss the results of the weed control, and we will assess whether another application is necessary.

If the product damages some weeds but leaves a bit of green, we can reapply it; however, we may charge for this application since we initially indicated that two applications might be necessary.

Please note that the Avenger product is not effective on weeds taller than 6 inches. Therefore, we usually do not attempt applications on larger weeds.

Avenger Weed Killer is a non-selective, natural herbicide made from d-limonene (citrus oil extract) that rapidly kills weeds, grasses, and broadleaf plants by breaking down their protective waxy coating.

Yes, Avenger Weed Killer is OMRI-listed, which means it is approved for use in organic gardening and farming.

Avenger Weed Killer is a contact herbicide, meaning it can control any plant it comes into contact with. It is most effective on weeds that are 4 inches tall or smaller. Additionally, it is important to note that Avenger is not a systemic herbicide, so it may not kill the root system of the treated plant.

No, Avenger Weed Killer is biodegradable and does not leave any toxic residue in the soil. It breaks down naturally, making it safe for use in vegetable gardens and around ornamentals.

Yes, as a non-selective herbicide, Avenger will kill any plant it touches, including grass. However, it might take multiple applications to get complete control over well established grasses. 

Avenger is a post-emergent herbicide, meaning it only kills actively growing weeds. It does not prevent new weed seeds from germinating.

Tough or perennial weeds may require multiple applications. Wait anywhere between 7–14 days before re-treating areas that still have visible weeds.

Avenger Weed Killer targets plant surfaces and does not persist in the environment, so it is considered safer for pollinators compared to synthetic herbicides.