Insect Control for Trees Criterion and Safari

Insect Control for Trees Criterion and Safari admin February 21, 2023


Pest Control Services for Trees

We Believe in Integrated Pest Management for Trees

If you’re in need of professional tree pest control, Organo-Lawn is the premier choice for your tree care needs. We take a distinctive approach to insect control that differentiates us from typical tree care services. Rather than applying unnecessary chemicals to every tree on your property, we carefully assess each tree to determine whether it requires proactive treatment or if we can respond reactively as needed. This smart strategy not only protects your trees but also significantly minimizes the use of insecticides, making our method both effective and eco-friendly.

Proper Watering Practices Can Prevent Insect Pressure on Trees

To reduce insect pressure on trees, it’s essential to improve the sprinkler system’s watering method. The 1-2-3-2-1 lawn watering technique can cut insect issues by up to 90%. For example, an Austrian pine attacked by Zimmerman moths is usually overwatered, while an ash tree facing lilac borers often suffers from drought stress. These cases show that improper watering leads to insect problems. The 1-2-3-2-1 technique is ideal for both lawns and trees, so adopt it to protect and strengthen your trees!

Ips Beetle

Ips Beetle Infestation Warning! These bark-boring beetles tunnel into stressed pine and spruce trees, cutting off nutrient flow and causing branch dieback or tree death. Look for reddish-brown boring dust and fading needles—early detection is crucial! Keep trees healthy with proper watering and preventive treatments to avoid infestations!

Organo-Lawn Does Not Spray Trees

We do Soil Drench Applications Instead

What are Soil Drench Insecticides?

Soil drench insecticides are a more effective and environmentally friendly option for treating trees compared to aerial sprays. When applied at the base of the tree, soil drenches allow the insecticide to be absorbed through the roots and distributed systemically throughout the tree’s vascular system. This targeted approach provides year-long lasting protection against pests without harming beneficial insects like pollinators, which are often affected by aerial sprays. Additionally, soil drenches minimize pesticide drift, reducing the risk of exposure to surrounding plants, water sources, and non-target organisms. Unlike aerial applications that require precise timing and multiple treatments, soil drenches offer a more consistent and efficient pest control solution, making them a preferred method for maintaining tree health.

Soil Drench Technique

Spring Tree Fertilization
Protect Your Trees the Smart Way! Soil drench insecticides provide long-lasting, targeted pest control by absorbing through the roots and spreading systemically. Unlike aerial sprays, they reduce pesticide drift, protect pollinators, and offer consistent protection with fewer applications. Keep your trees healthy and the environment safe!

Soil Drench Insecticide
Pricing Based on Trunk Diameter (DBH)

Preventative Insect Control for Trees*

Using Criterion Insecticide (Imidacloprid)

Up to 1 Year of Control

* Minimum Purchase of $75 is Required

Tree Trunk Diameter (DBH)** – Cost Per Tree

Flowers – $2.25
Small Shrubs 6″ or Less – $4.50
Medium Shrubs 6-18″ – $7.50
Large Shrubs 18″ or Taller – $9.50
1″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $13.00
2″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $17.50
3″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $22.25
4″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $27.00
5″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $31.75
6″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $36.25
7″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $41.00
8″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $45.75

Larger Sized Trees – Call for Pricing

Volume Discounts:

5% off orders over $100.00
10% off over $200.00
15% off over $300.00

** DBH = (Diameter Breast Height)

Reactive and Preventative Insect Control for Trees*

Using Safari Insecticide (Dinotefuran)

Up to 1 Year of Control

*Minimum Purchase of $85 is Required

Tree Trunk Diameter (DBH)** – Cost Per Tree

Flowers – $6.25
Small Shrubs 6″ or Less – $14.50
Medium Shrubs 6-18″ – $24.00
Large Shrubs 18″ or Taller – $36.50
1″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $14.00
2″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $19.50
3″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $23.75
4″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $31.00
5″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $38.50
6″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $45.75
7″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $53.00
8″ Tree Trunk Diameter – $60.25

Larger Sized Trees – Call for Pricing

Volume Discounts:

5% off orders over $100.00
10% off over $200.00
15% off over $300.00

** DBH = (Diameter Breast Height)

How to Measure a Tree Trunk Diameter

Proper Lawn Watering can Reduce Insect Pressure on Tress

Pesticide Information Fact Sheets


Preventative Insecticide for Trees (Imidacloprid)


EPA Registration Number for Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide is
EPA Reg. No. 432-1318

Criterion 75 WSP is also registered with the Colorado Department of

Safari 20G Insecticide

Reactive and Preventative Insecticide for Trees (Dinotefuran)



EPA Registration Number for Safari 20G Insecticide is
EPA Reg. No. 86203-11-59639

Safari 20G is also registered with the Colorado Department of

Which Tree Insects are Controlled by Criterion or Safari

Click on the Link to See a Photo of Each Insect

Both Criterion and Safari are effective against a wide range of insects, but only Orthene is effective against spider mites.

Aphid Pressure on a Tree

Aphid Infestation Alert! Heavy aphid pressure on trees can cause leaf curling, yellowing, and stunted growth. These sap-sucking pests also produce sticky honeydew, which coats leaves and attracts sooty mold and other pests. Keep an eye out and take action early to protect your trees!

Are Tree Insect Controls Safe for Honeybees?

Soil Drench vs Aerial Spray

Criterion and Safari belong to the neonicotinoid family of pesticides, which if applied aerially are highly toxic to bees. At Organo-Lawn, we DO NOT DO ANY AERIAL APPLICATIONS using Safari or Criterion.  We are deeply committed to the safety of honeybees.

Extensive Research When Used as a Soil Drench

Our research on using Criterion and Safari as soil injections shows no evidence that honeybees come into contact with the insecticides Imidacloprid or Dinotefuran. We feel confident using these insecticides because the active ingredients cannot penetrate the abscission layer of the tree, meaning they cannot reach the flower or pollen. If we discover scientific evidence suggesting otherwise, we will discontinue the use of these insecticides.

Options Other Than Neonicotinoids for Insect Control in Trees

Lalguard – Made from Neem OIl

If you are concerned about the impact of neonicotinoids on honeybees, we offer an alternative insect control solution for trees using a product called Lalguard. This product is from a different family of insecticides and is derived from neem oil, which comes from a natural tree source.

Trunk Injection

Lalguard requires a direct trunk injection into the tree and should be applied once a year. We understand that tree insect control can be confusing, so we recommend consulting with one of our tree care experts before ordering any insect control for your trees.

Bee Friendly

Honeybee Lawn Care Boulder Colorado
Bee-Friendly Protection with LALGUARD! Unlike broad-spectrum insecticides, LALGUARD targets pests while sparing pollinators like bees. Its selective formulation helps control destructive insects without harming beneficial species, making it a smart choice for tree health and environmental safety. Protect your trees while keeping bees buzzing!

Schedule an Expert Tree Care Evaluation

Professional Tree Care Services

Choosing the right insect control for your trees can be challenging due to the different product functions. Contact our office today to consult with a tree care expert and get your questions answered.

Organo-Lawn of Boulder (303) 499-2000 or Fort Collins (970) 225-9425

Tree Insecticides FAQs

Is Imidacloprid Safe for Bees?

As an Aerial Spray – No / As a Soil Drench – Yes

The active ingredient in the insecticides Criterion and Merit is Imidacloprid, which belongs to the neonicotinoid family of pesticides. Scientific studies have shown that neonicotinoids are highly toxic to honeybees. When Imidacloprid is applied to the foliage of a tree through aerial spraying, it can be extremely harmful to honeybees. However, studies indicate that when Imidacloprid is applied using the soil drench method, there is no evidence that honeybees come into contact with the insecticide.