Is Mowing Tall or Short Best for the Lawn?
Mow the Lawn Tall!
Mowing a lawn tall is one of the simplest practices for maintaining a beautiful lawn. Mowing a cool season grass (bluegrass, fine fescue, or tall fescue) lawn at a taller height is important for several reasons related to the health and resilience of the grass. Cool season grasses thrive when mowed taller, typically between 2.5 to 3.5 inches, depending on environmental conditions and use. Here’s why:
Promotes Deeper Root Growth
- Taller grass blades allow the plant to produce more energy through photosynthesis, which supports deeper and more extensive root systems.
- Deep roots improve drought tolerance and help the grass access water and nutrients more efficiently.
- Deep roots provide sugars for microbes in the soil. The deeper the roots dig into the soil the deeper the microbial population will be able to survive.
Shades the Soil
- Longer grass blades shade the soil, reducing water evaporation and keeping the soil cooler.
- This shading effect suppresses weed germination, as many weed seeds, like crabgrass, need sunlight to sprout.
3 Inches or Taller

Improves Disease Resistance
- Taller grass is less stressed and more robust, making it better equipped to resist diseases such as necrotic ring spot.
- By maintaining sufficient blade length, the grass has more energy reserves to recover from stress or fungal infections.
Enhances Turf Density
- Cutting cool season grasses too short (scalping) weakens the grass, leaving it thin and patchy. When a lawn is cut too short the roots must use energy to repair the damaged grass instead of growing a new blade of grass via rhizomes.
- Taller mowing heights encourage a denser turf, reducing bare spots that could invite weeds or diseases.
Protects Against Heat Stress
- Cool season grasses are susceptible to summer stress. Taller grass provides a natural insulation layer, reducing the risk of damage from high temperatures.
Root Depth Improves

Reduces the Need for Watering
- Deep digging roots and by shading the soil and reducing evaporation, taller grass helps retain soil moisture, decreasing the lawn’s watering needs.
Minimizes Clippings
- Frequent mowing at a taller height typically results in shorter clippings, which decompose quickly and return nutrients to the soil without creating a thatch layer.
One Third Rule!
- Avoid Cutting More than One-Third of the Blade: Follow the “one-third rule” to minimize stress—never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time.
- Mow Regularly: Regular mowing ensures the grass remains at the optimal height without requiring a drastic cut.
- Sharp Blades: Use sharp mower blades to create clean cuts, reducing damage and disease risk.
Maintaining a taller height for your cool season grass lawn supports its natural growth habits, enhances its appearance, and reduces maintenance challenges over time.
How To Properly Mow a Lawn
Set the Lawn Mower on the Highest Setting!
Always Mow at 3 Inches or Taller
The highest mowing setting on most lawn mowers is typically around 3 inches to 3.5 inches. Mowing your grass at 3 inches or taller can help prevent diseases, encourage deep root growth, conserve water, enhance turf density, and improve the color of your lawn. By simply adjusting your mower to the highest setting, you can significantly improve the overall health and appearance of your lawn.
Exception – 1st and Last Mow of the Year
However, there is an exception to this guideline. For the first and final mow of the season, the recommended mowing height for cool-season lawns in Colorado is 2.5 inches.
Middle Setting is Usually Too Short!

The Taller You Mow the Deeper the Roots Will Dig!
Grow Deep Roots

The 3x Rule
Grass root depth and mowing height are correlated. Grass roots will dig about 3 times as deep as the height the lawn is mowed.
- Mow at 1 inch then the grass roots can dig to be about 3 inches deep.
- Mow at 2 inches the grass roots can dig to about 6 inches deep.
- Mow at 3 inches the grass roots can dig to be about 9 inches deep.
A very small change in mowing height makes a huge difference in lawn appearance, drought resistance, and overall health.
Why Do So Many People Mow Their Lawns Too Short?
Aesthetics, Golf Courses and the Middle Setting
“It Looks Better”
Many people believe that a shorter lawn looks better than a taller one. However, short-cut lawns typically require more water, produce more weeds, are thinner, have shorter roots, and do not have a rich green color.
Golf Courses
Golf courses are known for mowing grass very short. While many people admire their appearance, they may not realize that golf courses use different types of grass than residential lawns. The grasses used on golf courses can withstand being mowed short, while most residential grasses cannot.
The Middle Setting (Wrong)
Lawn mower settings can often be confusing, as there are usually about six different settings. We recommend mowing at the highest setting. The numbers on lawn mowers do not always correlate with the actual cutting height. Most homeowners are unaware of the height differences and mistakenly believe that the highest setting might be too tall, while the lowest setting is too low. As a result, many opt for the middle setting, which is typically the wrong choice. The middle setting usually cuts grass to around 2 inches, which is often too short. The correct setting for most lawn mowers is the highest one.
Golf Courses Use Different Grass Types

Is Mulching the Grass Clippings Good or Bad for the Lawn?
Mulch the Clippings!

Mulching the Grass Clippings is Almost Always Good for the Lawn!
Mulching grass clippings is very beneficial for your lawn because it recycles organic matter and water back into the soil. Since grass is composed of about 90% water, the clippings decompose quickly and become almost invisible within a few hours after mowing. This process not only nourishes the soil but also stimulates beneficial microbial activity. As long as no more than 33% of the grass’s foliage is removed while mowing, mulching will not lead to thatch buildup.
How Often Should the Lawn Mower Blade be Sharpened?
General Sharpening Guidelines
A lawn mower blade should be sharpened at least once a mowing season or more frequently depending on usage and the condition of your lawn. Here’s a breakdown of factors that determine how often sharpening is needed.
Residential Lawns:
- For average home use (mowing once a week during the growing season), sharpening once or twice a year is typically sufficient.
- Aim to sharpen at the start of the mowing season and mid-season if needed.
Heavy Use:
- If you mow larger areas, mow frequently, or have rough terrain with rocks or sticks, sharpen the blade more often—about every 20-25 hours of mowing.
Signs It’s Time to Sharpen:
- Torn or frayed grass tips after mowing (rather than clean cuts).
- Grass appears brown or unhealthy at the tips shortly after mowing.
- Increased resistance or vibration during mowing.
White Grass Tips

Benefits of a Sharp Blade
- A sharp blade cuts grass cleanly, reducing stress on the plant and promoting faster recovery.
Healthier Lawn:
- Cleanly cut grass is less susceptible to diseases and pests that can enter through jagged edges.
Improved Efficiency:
- Sharp blades reduce strain on the mower engine and ensure even cutting, saving time and fuel or electricity.
By maintaining a sharp blade, you’ll achieve a healthier, better-looking lawn with less effort.
Dull vs Sharp Blade

What is the Ideal Mowing Height?
Measure Your Mower's Cutting Height

3 Inches or 3 1/2 Inches
A lawn should be mowed at a height of 3 inches or taller, with an ideal mowing height between 3 inches and 3.5 inches. However, there are exceptions for the first and last mow of the year, when the mower height can be lowered to between 2.25 and 2.5 inches.
Lawn Mowing Made Simple
Mow the Lawn Once Per Week
- Set your lawn mower to the highest setting. This should be 3 inches or taller.
- Sharpen the blade about once per month. If you are seeing white tips on the lawn then the blade needs to be sharpened.
- Mulch the grass clippings, as long as they don’t clump up all over the lawn.
- Rotate the mowing direction every week.
- Mow Length-wise
- Mow Width-wise
- Mow Diagonally
Mowing Tips

How Mowing a Lawn Properly Will Improve a Lawn
- The turf color will improve dramatically.
- The lawn will use less water because the roots will be able to dig deeper.
- The lawn will spread out and thicken up.
- The lawn will be more drought tolerant.
- It will be easier to mow your lawn and take less time than cutting the grass on a lower setting.
Organo-Lawn Does Not Offer Lawn Mowing Services
Even though we do not mow lawns, Organo-Lawn is your local lawn care expert. We really know grass!
Call your local expert lawn care company for organic weed control and fertilization services.