Usually it’s a great idea to mulch leaves that have fallen on your lawn. That will provide the lawn with great organic matter that will feed the microbes. However, many tree funguses transfer year to year in the fallen leaf tissue. It is very important to remove the winter debris as early as possible in the late autumn to avoid the spread of the funguses or diseases. This is only an issue if your trees have a disease or a fungus. If your trees are in great shape, below are some great ideas for what to do with your fall leaves so they don’t end up in a landfill.

As tempting as it is to leave leaves untouched on your lawn. It’ better to mulch them or mow over them. If the leaves create too much of a blanket over the lawn that will block the sunlight from reaching the plant tissue. Having the leaf debris in smaller pieces (about dime sized) help them work down into the soil wear the worms and microbes can start breaking them down.