Facts about Curly Dock
- In some states this weed is considered a noxious weed, but Colorado is not one of them.
- Curly Dock can grow up to about 5 ft tall if left unattended.
- This weed is native to Eurasia, and was first seen in the United States in the 18th
- It is one of the most widely dispersed weeds in the world.
Ideal Conditions for Weed Growth
This weed is mainly found in Native areas and goes by many names such as narrowleaf dock, sour dock, and yellow dock. Curly Dock is a perennial weed that germinates at different times of the year in response to light and fluctuating temperatures. Flowers emerge in April or May and are usually present through July.
How to Control Curly Dock
We have great success with using a product called Milestone to control Curly dock when it is found in native areas or pastures. Curly Dock can grow up to about 5 ft tall, so it is best controlled when it is young and actively growing. We do need native areas to be mowed to no taller than 6 inches for an application. Regular mowing can keep this weed at bay. If any part of the root is left behind Curly Dock can produce a new plant. Luckily, the Milestone will get down to the root of the plant.