It’s that time of year again, when we begin to take care of our lawns so they look bright, full, and green all summer long. So how do we best ensure that they stay that way for years to come?By using organic practices, especially when it comes to fertilizers. Sometimes it may be easier to go to your local garden or hardware store and buy the cheapest and easiest to use product, but do you know what you’re putting on your lawn? Most people don’t.Here are some of the best reasons to switch to Organic fertilizers this year.

1. It’s Organic!
This means that when organic fertilizers are applied to your lawn, there are only organic nutrients, such as potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. This makes it easier for the microorganisms in the soil to break them down.In turn, this helps increase the soil’s ability to hold water and stay healthy.
2. It’s safer for us and our furry friends
When it comes to synthetic fertilizers there can be a range of chemicals used in creating them, such as fossil fuels and petroleum.Those chemicals can be harmful to children and pets if exposed.
3. There is no risk of toxic buildup
What this means is that over time those chemicals in synthetic fertilizers can build up and are incredibly harmful to microbes in the soil and to plants. “But every time I apply synthetic fertilizers my lawn looks great.” Of course, it does, but for how long? When a synthetic fertilizer is applied the lawn greens up quickly, and then fades, meaning you have to apply more fertilizer. This can lead to toxic buildup and sometimes burning of the lawn, basically killing the grass.Over the long term as more fertilizer is applied it may cause the soil to die.
4. Organic fertilizers not only feed the grass but the microorganisms in the soil
Keeping these organisms happy ultimately results in a long lasting healthy lawn. These microorganisms help with the life cycle of the soil and make it sustainable, renewable, and environmentally friendly.
5. It’s better for the environment
Organic fertilizers are safer for the environment in that they are organic. That not only means they have nutrients that are more easily absorbed by the soil, they aren’t contributing any toxic material to the soil, water, or air. Chemical fertilizers tend to leach from the soil, especially with over watering.The fertilizer is wasted and often ends up in waterways such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. This can spike a massive growth of algae in the water causing huge environmental catastrophes in the water’s ecosystem.
6. Organic fertilizers create long lasting change
When using an organic fertilizer you’re helping improve an entire ecosystem in the soil that cycles over and over again, extending the life of your lawn. This in turn makes it easier and more cost effective to manage. When applying synthetic fertilizers it’s basically a quick fix, with a potential and costly expiration date. The less you have to manage your lawn the better, and organic fertilizers are there to help with that process.
7. Organic fertilizers are derived from plant or animal waste
This ensures that what you’re putting into your lawn is available to a soil’s microorganisms. Most organic fertilizers are made from corn gluten meal, bone meal, sugar beet molasses, or animal manure. Our lawn care programs will only include organic fertilizers and organic weed controls. The products we use do not contain any animal waste. Check out our programs page to see what program is the best for you.
8. The relationship between microbes and organic fertilizers is awesome
When microorganisms have access to organic fertilizers they thrive. This allows them to regulate the release of nutrients that the soil needs. This in turn helps with the prevention of lawn diseases. It will also make your lawn full and dense, which helps push out weeds and other unwanted plants. Again, allowing you to let your lawn work for itself instead of you having to maintain it on a more regular basis. Now, many people are skeptical about spending the time and money to work with organic fertilizers, which is understandable. Synthetic fertilizers work immediately and are cheaper to buy when you need them.However, if you’re goal is to increase the health and lifespan of your lawn, ultimately saving you time and money, organic fertilizer is what you should be using. In short, they’re safer, help increase the lifespan of your lawn, and in the long term can save you the headache of having to deal with dead soil and lawn burn from the increased levels of nitrogen.