Sprinkler Services

Sprinkler Services admin February 21, 2023


Serving the Boulder and Fort Collins Areas

Organo-Lawn’s professional sprinkler services are designed to maximize the efficiency of your sprinkler system. When your sprinklers function properly, they provide deep and infrequent watering, resulting in a healthy, beautiful lawn and the development of a living soil.

Improperly adjusted sprinkler systems can lead to “hot spots” in your lawn. Additionally, if the timer isn’t programmed according to the 1-2-3-2-1 lawn watering technique, it can result in under-watering or over-watering. These issues are major contributors to lawn fungus problems, such as necrotic ring spot and ascochyta leaf blight.

Important Note: Due to labor shortages we are only performing sprinkler audits / sprinkler startups for full season program customers.

Sprinkler Audit or Blowout Services

 (303) 499-2000 Boulder or (970) 225-9425 Fort Collins.