Over Watering

Over Watering admin February 21, 2023


What is the Best Way to Water a Lawn?

1-2-3-2-1 Lawn Watering Technique

Homeowners often feel overwhelmed by varying advice on this subject, but the best course of action is to disregard input from the following sources: the lawn mower guy, your irrigation specialist, the master gardener friend, your landscaper, neighbors, and chemical lawn care companies. While they may mean well, they lack the expertise necessary to guide you effectively on what an organic lawn needs. Setting up a sprinkler system and determining the most effective way to water your lawn is crucial for successful organic lawn care.

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is overwatering their lawns. This is far more detrimental than underwatering a lawn because  overwatering creates anaerobic conditions in the soil, meaning it deprives it of oxygen. When water replaces air in the soil, it can lead to compaction, hindering deep root growth and harming beneficial microbial activity.

To achieve optimal lawn health, adopt the 1-2-3-2-1 watering technique. This method ensures deep watering while allowing the soil to dry out completely before the next cycle begins. Developed by Organo-Lawn, specifically for the unique climate of Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado, this universally applicable technique will help you maintain a vibrant, healthy lawn.

Fixing a lawn that is under watered is significantly easier and quicker than repairing a lawn that has been over watered.

What Lawn Diseases are Caused by Overwatering?

Necrotic Ring Spot

This is a picture of Necrotic Ring Spot Fungus which is caused by severe over watering of the lawn for a long period of time.

Brown Patch

Brown Patch is a grass disease that is caused by severe over watering of a lawn and is usually found in extreme shade areas.

Soil Compaction

It is very common to see compacted soils underneath shade trees. Over watering a lawn causes soil compaction.

Why is Overwatering a Lawn So Much Worse Than Underwatering a Lawn?

Overwatering a lawn can be damaging for several reasons, as it disrupts the natural balance and health of the grass and soil. Here’s why overwatering is harmful:

  1. Root Damage and Weak Growth
    Shallow Root Systems: When a lawn is overwatered, the grass roots remain near the surface, as they don’t need to search deep for water. Shallow roots make the lawn more susceptible to drought, heat, and other stressors.
    Root Rot: Excess moisture can suffocate roots, causing them to rot and die. Fungal diseases like Necrotic Ring Spot and Brown Patch thrive in soggy soil, further damaging the root system.
  1. Nutrient Leaching
    Loss of Nutrients: Overwatering washes away essential nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus from the soil, leaving grass undernourished.
    Soil Compaction: Overwatering causes severe compaction of the soil, reducing its ability to retain nutrients and support healthy grass growth.
  1. Increased Susceptibility to Diseases
    Fungal Infections: Many lawn diseases, like mold, mildew, and fungi (e.g., brown patch or necrotic ring spot), thrive in overly moist conditions.
    Pest Infestations: Pests such as mosquitoes and grubs are more likely to infest a waterlogged lawn.
  1. Disruption of Soil Aeration
    Oxygen Deprivation: Overwatered soil becomes waterlogged, reducing the amount of oxygen available to roots. Grass needs oxygen to absorb nutrients and grow properly.
    Thatch Build-Up: The lack of decomposition in waterlogged soil can lead to excessive thatch, a layer of dead grass that suffocates the lawn.
  1. Weed Growth
    Encourages Weeds: Weeds like crabgrass and sedges thrive in wet conditions. Overwatering gives these weeds a competitive advantage over grass.
  1. Wasted Resources and Environmental Impact
    Water Waste: Overwatering wastes water, which is particularly problematic in areas prone to drought or with water restrictions.
    Runoff and Pollution: Excess water often runs off into storm drains, carrying fertilizers and pesticides that can pollute waterways.
  1. Poor Lawn Aesthetics
    Discoloration: Waterlogged grass can turn yellow or brown due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.
    Soggy Lawn: Overwatering can leave the lawn feeling mushy and muddy, making it unusable for activities.

To avoid these issues, lawns should be watered deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions. The 1-2-3-2-1 lawn watering technique is programmed to prevent overwatering of a lawn.  This technique also promotes healthy root growth and helps maintain a balanced, vibrant lawn.

What is the Ideal Way to Water a Lawn?

To schedule a sprinkler audit or organic lawn care services please call our office at (303) 499-2000 Boulder or (970) 225-9425 Fort Collins.

FAQ – Symptoms of Overwatering a Lawn

Why is Daily Lawn Watering Bad for the Grass?

Daily watering of a lawn is problematic because it trains the grass roots to stay shallow digging and it disrupts the microbial balance of the soil. Here’s why watering daily can lead to a brown lawn.

  1. Promotes Shallow Root Systems
    Roots Stay Near the Surface: Daily watering encourages grass roots to remain near the surface of the soil, where water is consistently available. These shallow roots make the grass less resilient to stress, such as heat, drought, or foot traffic.
    Poor Resilience to Dry Conditions: Grass with shallow roots is more likely to dry out quickly when the temperatures outside increase.
  1. Overwatering Symptoms Without Actual Flooding
    Excess Moisture Stress: Even if you’re not applying large amounts of water daily, frequent watering keeps the soil consistently damp, creating conditions similar to overwatering.  Water replaces air in the soil and without air the roots will become necrotic.
    Prevents Natural Dry Cycles: Grass needs periods of dry soil to stimulate deeper root growth and ensure soil oxygenation.
  1. Increases Susceptibility to Fungal Diseases
    Wet Grass Blades: When grass remains consistently wet, particularly in the evening or early morning, it creates a favorable environment for fungal diseases like brown patch, necrotic ring spot, and powdery mildew.
    Soil-Borne Pathogens Thrive: Damp soils are called anaerobic and these conditions promote the growth of harmful microbes that can damage the grass.
  1. Wastes Water and Resources
    Inefficient Use: Daily watering often exceeds the water requirements of grass, leading to waste.
    Evaporation Loss: Water applied daily during the hottest parts of the day evaporates quickly, reducing its effectiveness.
  1. Encourages Weeds and Pests
    Weed Growth: Weeds like crabgrass and sedges thrive in consistently moist soil. Frequent watering gives these invaders an advantage over grass.
    Pests Proliferate: Daily watering can attract pests such as mosquitoes, grubs, and fungus gnats, which thrive in wet conditions.
  1. Disrupts Soil and Nutrient Balance
    Nutrient Leaching: Constant watering washes away essential nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, leaving the soil undernourished.
    Compacts Soil: Continuous watering can compact soil, reducing its aeration and ability to support healthy root systems.
  1. Reduces Lawn Hardiness
    Dependence on Frequent Watering: A lawn that receives water daily becomes reliant on that schedule and will struggle if watering stops or conditions become dry.
    Lower Stress Tolerance: Grass grown with daily watering lacks the robust root system necessary to withstand environmental stressors like drought or heat waves.

Which is Worse for a Lawn, Underwatering or Overwatering?

Both underwatering and overwatering are harmful to a lawn, but overwatering is often considered worse due to the long-term damage it can cause to the soil, and ecosystem. Here’s a breakdown of the impacts of each to help you understand why overwatering can be more detrimental:

Effects of Overwatering a Lawn
  1. Root Rot and Weak Roots
    • Waterlogged soil suffocates roots by depriving them of oxygen, leading to root rot and weak root systems.
    • Grass becomes highly dependent on constant moisture and struggles when water levels fluctuate.
  2. Fungal Diseases
    • Overwatering creates damp conditions that encourage fungal infections, mold, and other diseases.
    • Common diseases include brown patch, pythium blight, and leaf spot.
  3. Nutrient Loss
    • Excess water leaches nutrients from the soil, leaving the grass undernourished.
    • Leads to yellowing, stunted growth, and poor lawn health.
  4. Compacts Soil
    • Persistent overwatering compacts the soil, reducing its aeration and ability to retain nutrients effectively.
  5. Encourages Weeds and Pests
    • Overwatered lawns are a magnet for invasive weeds (like crabgrass) and pests (like grubs and mosquitoes).
  6. Damages the Soil
    • Water replaces air in the soil and without air the microbial population will quickly die.  Rebuilding the soil will take months if not years to reestablish a thriving microbiome.
How to Recover an Overwatered Lawn

Reclaiming an overwatered lawn can take months or even years, depending on the severity of the damage to the soil.

Steps to Recover an Overwatered Lawn:

  1. Water Deeply and Infrequently: Follow the 1-2-3-2-1 lawn watering technique to encourage deep root growth and resilience against drought.
  2. Perform Core Aeration: Regularly aerate the lawn to relieve compaction and restore oxygen levels in the soil.
  3. Apply 100% Organic Fertilizers: Use only 100% organic fertilizers to provide food for and stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the soil.
  4. Introduce High-Quality Organic Compost: To speed up the recovery process, apply high-quality organic compost, which will reintroduce millions of beneficial microbes to the damaged soil.

Be patient; recovering an overwatered lawn will take significantly longer than recovering from drought stress.