Faq Lawns

Faq Lawns admin February 21, 2023


Tree Care Services – Boulder and Fort Collins Area

Full Season Programs – Organo-Lawn has been working with organic fertilizers and organic weed controls since 1997. It is very easy to achieve a beautiful, dark green, and virtually weed free lawn if the lawn is being mowed properly, the lawn is being watered deeply and infrequently, and the lawn is on one of our organic full season lawn care programs.

Weed Controls – Organo-Lawn is the only local professional lawn care service in the Boulder and Fort Collins area that offers 100% organic weed controls that work as well as chemical weed controls. Organic weed control is now more effective than chemicals on controlling broadleaf weeds like dandelions, plantain and thistle.

Organo Lawn Specialty Products – Learn why core aeration, humate soil conditionersprinkler system audits, and top seeding packages may be a good addition to your full season lawn care program. These additional local lawn care services often make the difference between a nice looking lawn and a beautiful lawn.

Organo-Lawn is a professional lawn care service. Our lawn care experts are state licensed and trained in 100% organic and chemical free lawn care services. Organo-Lawn is proud to provide cat, dog, pet, people, baby, child and environmentally friendly lawn care services. Organo-Lawn specializes in Boulder and Fort Collins lawn care services for the organically or environmentally minded customers.

According to the laws of the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Lawn care services in Colorado are not allowed to use the word “safe” or “child safe” to describe their lawn care products and services. The word safe cannot be used even if the products being used are 100% organic. Therefore, Organo-Lawn is very proud to offer 100% organic, non-toxic, edible, 100% chemical-free, child-friendly, and ecologically friendly lawn care services.

Browse Frequently Asked Questions by Topic:

Lawn Care Programs and Services FAQ

When you choose a full season lawn care program you will be set up for organic weed control and fertilization for the entire season and you do not have to worry about calling in to set up the next one. If at any point throughout the season you have problems with the lawn, we will come out to evaluate what is causing the lawn to not be as healthy as it should be and we will make suggestions on how to fix the lawn problem. This service is free with a full season program and it is a $59.50 value.
With Synergy with corn gluten meal, the more that you use it the better the product works. In essence the more times you put in on the lawn the more weed seeds it will prevent from germinating properly. With the first use of Synergy with corn gluten meal, the weed control will stop up to 60% of new weed seeds from germinating and reproducing and if used on a regular basis over a 3 year period of time, you will see a 95% reduction in weed seed germination. Therefore, the more Synergy with corn gluten meal is applied the better it will work.
We recommend the Ultimate lawn care program. We recommend this program because it will give you the weed control and fertilization that your lawn needs throughout the entire season, plus it will give you our Ultimate discount: 5% off all our services including upgrades like lawn aeration, Rain Maker, Humate soil conditioner, etc.

Services like core aeration, Rain Maker, Humate soil conditioner, Avenger weed controltop seeding packages, rock mulch spray, and deep root tree fertilization are considered additional services or upgrade services and are not included in a full season lawn care program, but can be added at your request.

The most important lawn care service is a sprinkler audit. If the lawn is not being watered properly then it will not look healthy. Aeration is recommended for every lawn. Due to the high clay content in the soil around Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado we recommend lawn aeration at least once per year and twice per year for best results. If a lawn is thin, then a Top Seeding Package is recommended. If a lawn has a bindweed problem, then applications of Drive XLR8 are recommended. If you have trees on your property that are struggling, are newly planted, or if you just want your trees to remain healthy, Deep Root Tree Fertilization is recommended. Every property is different. A homeowner typically knows what problems they have with the lawn. If you need advice on upgrades please contact our office for assistance.

If the homeowner waters the lawn properlymows the lawn properly, and the lawn is on a full season lawn care program, we can typically turn a bad lawn into a nice lawn in 1 year.

We strongly believe in only treating the weeds that are in the lawn. Not every lawn will have a bindweed problem, so we only treat the lawns for customers that want and need bindweed control.

Crabgrass is an annual grass that will only grow in areas of the lawn that are thin due to poor sprinkler coverage or improper lawn watering. Not every lawn will get crabgrass, so we only treat the lawns that have a crabgrass problem. Typically if the sprinkler system is working properly crabgrass will not grow in the lawn.

There are 4 applications total. 3 – One Earth Weed and Feeds (generally in May, Late June, and August) & 1 – Organic Fertilizer (October). The Gold One Earth program is 100% organic and will achieve a 60%-80% control rate on lawn weeds.
Yes, we recommend signing up for the Ultimate program. This program includes the product Synergy with corn gluten meal which reduces the amount of weeds that germinate in your lawn and the lawn will be greener and healthier without chemicals.

The two most useful lawn care service upgrades are core aeration and a sprinkler system audit. Due to very high clay content in the soil, lawn aeration is very important for areas in Longmont, Boulder, Fort Collins, Niwot, Loveland, basically all of Colorado. Sprinkler system audits are the most beneficial service we provide for the health of the lawn because most homeowners do not understand how to properly water a lawn in Colorado.

The program does not include tree care, but this is an additional service that you can add to your service list. We recommend fertilization of young trees, struggling trees, oaks, ashes, birches, and maples, and especially trees that are new transplants.

Core Aeration FAQ

We stay about 6-8 inches away from the edge of the lawn. This helps protect the sprinkler heads that are on the perimeter of the lawn.

Spring and/or fall, depending on when you had an aeration done last year. Spring aeration will alleviate compaction in the soil and stimulate air movement for the summer months. Fall lawn aeration allows winter moisture into the root zone of the lawn and reduces winter desiccation. Both spring and fall aeration will allow vital nutrients, air, and water to penetrate the soil.

Fort Collins and Boulder have the typical Colorado clay soils and this makes aeration necessary for lawns at least once a year and twice a year for a lawn with heavy foot traffic from pets or children.

Yes, it is important to have soft soil. If there has been rain or snow and the ground is still moist the lawn will not need to be watered. However, if the soil is dry we strongly recommend watering the lawn the night before or in the early morning the day of the lawn aeration. If the soil is moist this will allow the tines of the aerator to penetrate the soil easier and therefore the plugs will be longer, resulting in a more successful core aeration.

The most important lawn care service is a sprinkler audit. If the lawn is not being watered properly then it will not look healthy. Aeration is recommended for every lawn. Due to the high clay content in the soil around Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado we recommend lawn aeration at least once per year and twice per year for best results. If a lawn is thin, then a Top Seeding Package is recommended. If a lawn has a bindweed problem, then applications of Drive XLR8 are recommended. If you have trees on your property that are struggling, are newly planted, or if you just want your trees to remain healthy, Deep Root Tree Fertilization is recommended. Every property is different. A homeowner typically knows what problems they have with the lawn. If you need advice on upgrades please contact our office for assistance.

Properly installed sprinkler lines should be 9 inches below the surface. We can fix your damaged sprinkler line, but we do charge for the repair. It is best to contact the company who installed the sprinkler lines and have them warranty the repair since the line was not installed properly. Please understand we are not trying to be difficult but we cannot see the underground sprinkler lines and therefore do not know how deep they are installed.

Mark any sprinkler head that is more than 6 inches from the edge of the lawn. If a sprinkler head that is more than 6 inches from the perimeter is hit and damaged by the aerator and it wasn’t marked, we will not replace the broken head. We can repair the damaged sprinkler head, but it will be at an additional charge.

The best thing to use is a flag, but you can use anything that is easily visible like large sticks, large rocks, cat food cans, or anything else that would be noticeable.

Our machines pull 1-3 inch deep plugs, depending on the compaction level of your lawn. We recommend watering the night before or early the morning of the service for about 30 minutes. A moist lawn will result in deeper plugs compared to a dry lawn. A regularly aerated lawn will get deeper plugs than a compacted lawn.

Yes, we recommend signing up for the Ultimate program. This program includes the product Synergy with corn gluten meal which reduces the amount of weeds that germinate in your lawn and the lawn will be greener and healthier without chemicals.

The two most useful lawn care service upgrades are core aeration and a sprinkler system audit. Due to very high clay content in the soil, lawn aeration is very important for areas in Longmont, Boulder, Fort Collins, Niwot, Loveland, basically all of Colorado. Sprinkler system audits are the most beneficial service we provide for the health of the lawn because most homeowners do not understand how to properly water a lawn in Colorado.

We recommend waiting until the sod has fully established, which typically takes 6 weeks to 3 months with proper lawn watering.

Power Raking FAQ

A power rake needs to be performed in the late winter/early spring before the lawn greens up. W only perform power raking for lawn in Boulder and Fort Collins in March. If this service is performed later into the spring it can severely damage your lawn by ripping green foliage out of the turf, making it susceptible to disease and sometimes death. We only perform power rakes when the lawn is dormant. We have treated many lawns that were improperly power raked and they typically take a year to fully recover. 99.99% of lawns will not benefit from a power rake.
Take a shovel or a core sampler and remove a small section of the grass with the thatch and soil. If your thatch is thicker than about 3/4” you may need to have it physically removed with a power raking service.
You can, but not from us. We break down and store our power raking equipment by April 10th.

Thatch is a symptom of a lack of microbial activity in the soil. The thatch layer acts like a sponge so when you water your lawn it is difficult to get the water into the soil. The grassroots often take root in the thatch layer instead of the soil causing the lawn to dry out quickly. Most people combat this browning of the lawn with frequent lawn watering and frequent fertilizer applications to keep the turf green. These frequent watering and fertilizer applications continue to compound the thatch problem making it much worse. If the improper lawn watering and frequent lawn fertilization continues lawn diseases will soon take over the lawn.

No some thatch is good; 1/4″ or less of thatch is actually good because it insulates the soil and keeps moisture in the ground for a longer period of time.
Potentially; if the power rake is performed incorrectly, it is bad for the lawn. This is why we stop the service on April 1st and only recommend the process to be performed by a professional who understands the risks involved with performing a power rake. We offer power raking as a last resort to reducing thatch density.

Lawn Spider Mite Control FAQ

Spider mites are very tiny insects that are virtually invisible to the naked eye but look like spiders under a microscope. They are typically red in color.

Go to a south facing area typically near a spruce or pine tree and brush some of the grass onto a white piece of paper. Stare at the dots on the paper and if they start to move you are most likely looking at mites.
Ecotrol is made from essential oils including Rosemary Oil (10%), Peppermint Oil (2%), Other Ingredients (88%) including Wintergreen Oil, Vanillin, Lecithin, and Butyl Lactate. It is 100% organic and is the best method to control the mite population.
We are legally required to post flags since we are claiming to control an insect, making this a pesticide.
Yes; water your lawn regularly in the winter. Mites do not like moist areas.
Mites like warm dry areas. They are typically on south-facing slopes often near rock beds or spruce or pine trees. They feed on the grass in the dry times and hide in the pine/spruce trees during rain or snow. If you have damage on the south side of your pine trees every year you most likely have mite problems.
Typically mites do damage between the months of December and March.
We treat the entire lawn, particularly paying close attention to the problem areas including rock areas and the lower parts of spruce and pine trees, most especially in south facing areas.

Lawn Top Seeding Packages FAQ

Stay off of lawn as much as possible and avoid heavy traffic for 6 weeks after the service is performed. Heavy foot traffic will decrease the percentage of seeds that germinate properly.
The seed is applied with a chest spreader, Humate is applied with a push spreader, and Rain Maker is applied with a hand spreader. We also perform an aeration as part of the package.
Ideally post-emergent weed control can be applied one to two days before a top seeding or two weeks after. A pre-emergent should not be applied 3-4 weeks before or after a seeding. A pre-emergent may affect seed germination and some post-emergent weed controls can affect growing seedlings.
Grass seeds germinate at different times: Ryegrass germinates after 9 days, Fescue germinates after 16 days, and Bluegrass germinates after 22 days. You may also need to water more than you think you need to; the seeds will not germinate without adequate moisture.
The lawn needs a daily watering for four to six weeks. We recommend 10 minutes of water on every section, every day. Also continue watering regularly for a total of 1.5” of water per week over 2-3 days per week.

All of our grass seed types look pleasing to the eye and have good color and feel soft to the touch.

  • Supreme is comprised of 70% Kentucky Blue (Allblue blend), 20% Perennial Rye (Four-Play), 10% Creeping Red Fescue. This blend is a very deep green color, with excellent wear ability, good disease resistance and winter hardiness, but it requires more water and frequent mowing. Many people are drawn to bluegrass because it is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
  • Ecological is comprised of 20% Hard Fescue, 20% Chewing’s Fescue, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Kentucky Bluegrass, and 15% Perennial Ryegrass. It is a quick establishing, dense, low growing turf that requires less mowing. The mix is very fine textured, can be used in open sun and yet has good shade and drought tolerance. It tolerates poor soil conditions and low fertility. It is not recommended for high traffic areas or athletic fields.
  • Emerald III is comprised of 33.3% Jaguar II Turf-Type Tall Fescue, 33.3% Mustang Turf-Type Tall Fescue, and 33.3% Rebel II Turf-Type Tall Fescue. Emerald III is tough and durable and can tolerate low mowing heights, hot weather, and extreme drought with limited watering and is adaptable to moist soils. It bounces back from heavy foot traffic well and will perform well in sun or shade.
Try not to mow 10 days to two weeks after any seeding. When you mow make sure to do so on the highest setting.
Top seeding is designed to fill in small gaps and establish young grass into an older and thinner lawn. Only about 50-80% of the grass seeds applied will germinate (with proper watering) so a second application may be required for very thin lawns.
Fertilizer decreases grass seed germination. Typical rates are 50%-80%. With fertilizer, rates decrease to 10%-40%, as this can overstimulate new seed.
Emerald III has a fine texture, rich dark green color and dense, uniform turf, with Bluegrass-like qualities. Emerald III is tough and durable. It is cold tolerant and can endure low mowing heights. Once established, it needs less fertilization and thrives in hot weather and drought with limited watering. It bounces back from traffic and heavy use. It will perform well in full shade and has a wide range of adaptability and pH tolerances. It is very drought and disease resistant and is the ideal grass type for Colorado. Two of the three seed cultivars were rated #1 in their respected category in 2006.
Yes, you can apply Emerald III over a Bluegrass lawn, but you will see a difference between the two grass types. Emerald III has a wider blade and has a deeper green color. We may recommend doing this if your lawn has heavily shaded areas where the Bluegrass is not performing well.
No. Emerald III is a turf-type tall fescue which means it grows uniformly, is soft to the touch, and looks like a traditional lawn. The unimproved tall fescue that many people consider a problem grass is clumpy, stiff to the touch, and has an irregular growth habit.
Once established an Emerald III lawn requires about a third less water compared to Bluegrass lawns.
Tall fescue is a clump grass which makes it difficult to sod. Tall fescue sod does not stay in rolls and therefore to establish a tall fescue lawn it must be seeded. Most of the sod rolls you see will be bluegrass blends.

Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ

As a granular with a broadcast spreader.
Most companies use fertilizers that are comprised of water-soluble nitrogen. This is quickly available to the plant and released into the lawn. These fertilizers will quickly green up the lawn, but they will not help it stay green without frequent applications. It is almost like giving the lawn a shot of steroids. Our nitrogen is water insoluble. This means it is slow release and only releases nitrogen as beneficial microbes in the soil break it down; the lawn stays green for a longer period of time, which is better for the lawn. Organic fertilizers also stimulate microbial activity which is beneficial in preventing fungus invasions and decomposing thatch. Our fertilizers contain .5% humate which helps to reduce water requirements and to naturally release unavailable nutrients from the soils through chelation which makes nutrients available to the plant for uptake. The fourth major difference is that synthetic fertilizers are derived from petroleum products, which are non-renewable resources and our organic products are derived from renewable plant based resources.
82% of the nitrogen in Richlawn’s fertilizer is derived from ammonium nitrate, which is an inorganic source of nitrogen. Technically under Colorado Law, Richlawn’s fertilizer is not an organic or an organic based fertilizer, but is considered synthetic. Our products, however, qualify as natural organic.
One of the major sources of nitrogen in Ringer’s Lawn Restore is sodium nitrate, a salt containing 26% sodium. We have high salt soils in Colorado, so sodium nitrate adds to the problem instead of addressing the high salt issue. We on the other hand have low salt products that help balance the soil’s pH.
Scott’s fertilizer is derived from urea, ammonium nitrate, and sodium nitrate, which are all synthetically derived nitrogen sources. On almost 90% of the lawns we have treated for Necrotic Ring Spot, the homeowner used either urea, ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate or a combination of these nitrogen sources for fertilizer within the past 6 months. We believe there is a correlation between Necrotic Ring Spot and Scott’s because Scott’s is comprised of fast release nitrogen sources.
Colorado State University recommends 4 application of a fertilizer at an application rate of .75 – 1 lb of nitrogen per application per year. So it depends on how many pounds of nitrogen are applied per application. To maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn we recommend 4-5 applications of slow release organic nitrogen. Exceptions may occur but this is the recommended rate.
This is true if you are using water-soluble nitrogen products like Scott’s, but our products are insoluble nitrogen sources which will not burn a lawn. In fact, we find that lawns do need fertilizer in the summer because of the increased stress involved with the excessive heat. We also apply fertilizers with more humate and yucca extract in the mix during the summer. Yucca and Humate aid in the lawn’s ability to fight heat and drought stress.
A winterizer is an organic lawn fertilizer that slowly feeds the lawn over the winter, helps protect root structure, and allows the lawn to rejuvenate in the spring very fast.
The winterizer is the most important treatment of the year. Lawns that are not treated in the fall typically are 10 times more likely to acquire a disease, have 20% more weeds, and produce 10% less chlorophyll compared to lawns treated with a winterizer.
No. These numbers have nothing to do with better or worse; instead they tell the ratio at which to apply the fertilizer. I.e. If you have a 22-14-8 bag and you want 1 lb of nitrogen/ 1000 sq ft then the application rate is 4.5 lbs/ 1000 sq ft—22* 4.5=99. For the 12-2-4 product you must apply it at 8.5 lbs= 12*8=96 or 1.02 lbs/ 1000 sq ft.
No; typically the highest number an organic can achieve is 12. You probably bought an organic based product, meaning an organic fertilizer with synthetic fertilizer mixed into the product.

Do-It-Yourself Application of Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ

There are 50 pounds per bag and this will cover up to 6250 sq. ft.
Mark off 1000 sq ft of lawn. Apply 8 lbs of fertilizer to that area. Repeat the process until the entire lawn is covered.
Yes, but you need to calibrate the spreader first. While the spreader label will instruct you to set it by the type of product you are applying, it assumes a lower rate of application than Pax Terra Plus requires (usually 1-3 lbs per 1000 sq ft as opposed to the required 8 lbs). You will have to use a higher setting than the label recommends in order to achieve the proper application rate. If this sounds too confusing, you can follow the method described above (mark off each 1000 sqft area) or buy a more appropriate spreader.
An Earthway spreader is suitable for applying at the rates our products need.

One Earth Weed Killer FAQ

Our 100% organic One Earth weed control with fertilizer is a liquid application that is applied from a spray tank.
One Earth typically gets between 60%-80% weed control results, depending on the type of weeds and their maturity. We have found it to work extremely well on dandelions.
We recommend staying off the lawn until the product is dry. Depending on the weather this may only be a few hours, or can take up to 24 hours.
We recommend waiting 24 hours before you water.
One Earth has a base of organic lawn fertilizer with clove oil and a special form of iron added for organic weed control.
No, we do not sell any of our liquid products. We mix our products every day and many of them break down very quickly.
It is a legal requirement to post a pesticide application flag even if a product is 100% organic. Any product that claims to control weeds is considered a pesticide and therefore requires a flag.
It is a legal requirement to post a pesticide application flag even if a product is 100% organic. Any product that claims to control weeds is considered a pesticide and therefore requires a flag.
Twenty-four hours is recommended. However, since it is your lawn, you can remove it whenever you want.
All of the ingredients in our One Earth Weed Control are considered edible, though we do not recommend eating it.
The special form of iron and the clove oil that we add to the mix are quite expensive. However, this is the best 100% organic post emergent weed control we have found for turf areas.
In 5-10% of lawns we have seen slight discoloration after a One Earth Weed Control application. We tend to see this in lawns that are stressed with short roots, lawns with a lot of weeds, and in extreme heat. Your lawn will not die; it should recover within 2 weeks. If this happens, please water your lawn deeply for 3 consecutive days and then return to your normal watering schedule. Please note that we do not credit or refund charges if a lawn is discolored from this application.
You should see results in 2-5 days, and as little as 24 hours.
We cannot legally say whether anything is safe or not, but it is a 100% organic product and all the ingredients are edible.
We recommend mowing two days before or two days after a One Earth application. The goal is for the grass to be short enough for us to spray the weeds and for the weeds to have enough surface area to absorb the product.

Synergy with Corn Gluten Meal FAQ

Corn gluten meal is a by-product of the corn syrup production process. It is typically used as a food source for cattle and dogs.
Synergy is 79% corn gluten meal and 21% other organic fertilizers. It is an organic pre-emergent weed control (will prevent the germination of weeds) and an organic fertilizer.
Synergy is a granular applied via a broadcast spreader. Most spreaders are not capable of spreading a heavy enough rate to get 20 lbs per 1000 sq ft. We use Earthway commercial spreaders at a full open rate to get to the proper application rates.

For the highest effectiveness in controlling weed germination, we recommend applications in spring and fall. The spring application will fertilize your lawn while preventing the germination of weed seeds. The spring application needs to be applied prior to the germination of weed seeds (March 1st through March 31st is ideal). The fall application will winterize your lawn as it develops a corn gluten meal concentration in the soil. If you choose to have a fall application, we recommend you then have Synergy applied again in the spring.

  • Fall and spring = 60%-80% effectiveness rate in controlling weed seed germination.
  • Spring only = 40%-60% effectiveness rate in controlling weed seed germination.
  • First Year = 60% control rate
  • Second Year = 70% control rate
  • Third Year = 80% control rate
  • Fourth Year = 90%+ control rate
It is a legal requirement to post a pesticide application flag even though this product is 100% organic as a requirement of the Department of Agriculture. Anything that claims to control weeds must be flagged using a pesticide application marker.
Dandelions are a biennial plants meaning they germinate from seed the first year and then for one to two more years they will germinate from their root system. Your lawn naturally has dandelions at different stages of growth so annual applications of Synergy are necessary because Synergy only controls weeds germinating from seed. This means the first application of Synergy won’t control the dandelions that are germinating from an established root system. Patience is a requirement for corn gluten meal; however, it is extremely effective if used regularly over a 2-3 year time span.
No. It will prevent many weed seeds from germinating and developing properly. This may include grass seeds so if you are planting grass within the next 2-4 weeks we don’t recommend applying this product.
No. This product is an organic pre-emergent and will not prevent all weeds from germinating properly, just weeds germinating from seed. In conjunction with One Earth Weed Killer on a full season program you will see a mostly weed free lawn in one year (with proper cultural practices like mowing and watering). Instant gratification is not something that Synergy can produce. If you are expecting a weed free lawn after one application you will need to understand that organic lawn care is a process, but if you continue to be patient and diligent then the program will work very well.
Synergy is applied at 20 lbs per 1000 square feet. Most chemical fertilizer products are only applied at a 2-4 lb per 1000 square feet, so more product is required when applying Synergy.

Do-It-Yourself Application of Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ

There are 50 pounds per bag and this will cover up to 6250 sq. ft.
Mark off 1000 sq ft of lawn. Apply 8 lbs of fertilizer to that area. Repeat the process until the entire lawn is covered.
Yes, but you need to calibrate the spreader first. While the spreader label will instruct you to set it by the type of product you are applying, it assumes a lower rate of application than Pax Terra Plus requires (usually 1-3 lbs per 1000 sq ft as opposed to the required 8 lbs). You will have to use a higher setting than the label recommends in order to achieve the proper application rate. If this sounds too confusing, you can follow the method described above (mark off each 1000 sqft area) or buy a more appropriate spreader.
Synergy is applied at 20 lbs per 1000 square feet. Most chemical fertilizer products are only applied at a 2-4 lb per 1000 square feet, so more product is required when applying Synergy.
Yes. Synergy will store just fine if it is kept in a dry and cool location like a garage.

Avenger Natural Grass Killer and Weed Control FAQ

Avenger begins to work typically within a few hours and up to 36 hours after application. Avenger works best on days warmer than 50 degrees F. Areas that are in full shade may have varied results. The hotter and sunnier it is, the better it works.
Avenger will only kill the top growth of the weeds or grasses. It does not damage the roots, therefore weeds may regrow. Avenger will not stop the germination of future weeds. Weeds may germinate again and a second application may be required. Typically over a growing season 3-4 applications are required for full control.
Avenger is 100% organic and derived from citrus oil. We do not recommend eating it. We recommend keeping off the area until the product has dried.
Yes. Avenger is a non-selective herbicide, so it can damage any vegetation it touches. Our technicians are extremely careful and do not to spray Avenger on any plants considered desirable (unless you direct us otherwise). We recommend marking desirable plants that look like weeds to avoid any unwanted killing of desirable plants.
Avenger is a contact herbicide, therefore it only kills the part of the plant that it touches and results are seen within 1-36 hours. Glyphosate is a translocation (systemic) herbicide so it will move through the entire plant even if the applicator did not achieve full coverage. Glyphosate results are seen between 10 to 14 days after the application.
We recommend staying off the area until the Avenger has dried.
If it rains or is applied incorrectly (on a cold day), we will re-apply the product. It will take 2-5 days to see if the product has worked or not, so you should call in and let us know about the weed control after that time period and we will determine if another application is needed. If it kills some tough weeds by 80-90% but there is a little green left we can re-apply the product but we may charge for the application since we previously claimed that it may take 2 applications.

Native Area Weed Control FAQ

A native area is an area of native grasses that is not a turf grass lawn area. Is it usually not irrigated or fertilized and has native plants growing in it.
We apply a product called Milestone which is on the EPA’s Reduced Risk List.
Yes, this will help get a better control on the weeds as well as make it easier for our applicator to apply the product.
After we do the application you should wait 7-10 days and if you think the application didn’t work we will come out to take a look. This will allow us to see what areas or weeds were not controlled and lets us know what to do to retreat this area.
The label does not have a reentry restriction; however, it states that the animals may relocate the weed control via urine for up to 3 days after treatment if they grazed on a treated area. We recommend keeping the animals off the area for 3 days prior to allowing them to reenter the treated area.
You must have a commercial applicators license to apply this product. It is not available for homeowner application.
We can apply Milestone any time there are weeds that are actively growing. Generally, May through September.

Drive XLR8 For Bindweed and Crabgrass Control FAQ

Drive is a post-emergent weed control that will control many broadleaf and annual grasses. We use it specifically for weed control on bindweed, crabgrass and foxtail.


We apply Drive as a spot treatment only in the problem areas with bindweed and crabgrass.
Bindweed typically germinates from May-August and crabgrass germinates starting in mid June and dies at the first frost. Drive XLR8 should be applied any time these weeds or grasses are actively growing.
We recommend staying off treated areas for 24 hours.
The manufacturer suggests waiting 24 hours after treatment before watering.
Drive XLR8 has an active ingredient called Quinclorac.
Legally we cannot answer that question because it is a registered pesticide but we can tell the customer that the EPA’s signal word on Drive is Caution, which is the lowest of the three signal words. Danger is the highest toxicity, then Warning, and the lowest level of toxicity is Caution. As a Caution-level herbicide, Drive has low toxicity to people, low toxicity to non-target animals and insects, and reduced risk of ground water contamination.
No. Drive kills crabgrass. We strongly discourage applications of pre-emergent crabgrass control because typically crabgrass only hits a few areas of the lawn, yet applications of pre-emergent crabgrass controls are applied to the entire lawn. We suggest waiting to see if your lawn develops a crabgrass problem and if it does we can apply Drive to the infested areas. This practice of only applying products when and where they are needed is an integral part of Integrated Pest Management or IPM, the EPA’s recommended method of managing pest damage (including weeds) with the least possible hazard to people and the environment.
No, Drive is a restricted use pesticide and can only be purchased by licensed applicators.
Yes and No, Drive will work on crabgrass, bindweed, dandelions, and clover but not on thistle. Drive will kill bindweed and crabgrass in 7-10 days but it takes 30-50 days to kill dandelions and clover so this is not out first choice of herbicide for these weeds.
Drive XLR8 is a photosynthesis inhibitor. Basically it will not allow the plant to produce chlorophyll.
Yes, however it is not recommended for vegetable gardens. If you choose to use Drive XLR8 in the garden area we do recommend that you mark the plants you would like to keep. There is a possibility that the drive will harm the monocots. The preferred application in this area is the non-selective organic weed control called Avenger.

Rock and Mulch Area Weed Control FAQ

Ranger Pro is a reduced-risk alternative to Round Up. It is a non-selective, systemic, synthetic weed control with the active ingredient Glyphosate.
Non-selective controls kill both grass and weeds, anything it is sprayed on.
As a spot spray, out of a backpack sprayer.
Glyphosate is a non-selective, photosynthesis inhibitor. Basically it will not allow the plant to produce chlorophyll.
Ranger Pro is a post-emergent and will kill everything that is growing at the time we spray. Ranger Pro is not a pre-emergent weed control and other weeds may germinate from seed. New weed germination is not guaranteed but weeds we spray are guaranteed to die.
Yes: Avenger. This product is not a systemic herbicide, so it may take a few applications to kill your weeds.
Ranger Pro takes 10-14 days to show results. There are Round Up-type products that will show results within 24 hours, but they contain other herbicides to help speed up the process. Ranger Pro contains only glyphosate, a reduced-risk herbicide which takes 10-14 days to show results.
Yes and no. Ranger Pro will move in the soil a little, but it will not be picked up by other plant roots. An area can be reseeded as soon as 24 hours after this spray.
Legally we cannot answer that question (even water isn’t technically safe according to the Department of Agriculture). You can go to the link on Organo-Lawn website to the pesticide research site, go to the NCAP files and go to the fact sheets under Glyphosate and read the dangers of Ranger Pro. We would recommend using Avenger instead of Ranger Pro if this is a concern.
Ranger Pro is a synthetic herbicide and Avenger is 100% organic. Avenger is a contact herbicide, therefore it only kills the part of the plant that it touches and results are seen within a few days. Ranger Pro is a translocation (systemic) herbicide so it will move through the entire plant even if the applicator did not achieve full coverage. Ranger Pro results are seen between 10-14 days after the application.
Ranger Pro can only control Bindweed that is growing in full sun, not in the shade. Drive XLR8 will kill bindweed in the shady locations.
Ranger Pro is non-selective and will kill most plants and weeds. Our technicians are very careful to spray around desirable plants. To be extra cautious and because some people’s definition of desirable is different than others, we prefer for you to mark the plants you would like to keep.

Weed Controls – General Questions FAQ

It depends on what we applied. It can be anywhere from a few hours to 14 days. For most applications you will start to see results with in the first 5-10 days. Please allow this much time to pass before contacting our office. If you contact us prior to this time we will tell you to call back. There are exceptions to this rule, so please refer to the drop sheet we left for you after the application.
You should wait the allotted time for the product to fully work and then call our office. We will then come out to do a re-spray if you did not achieve the guaranteed control rate. We will only come out to do the re-spray if we are contacted between 10-18 days after the application. Waiting longer will not allow us to investigate what didn’t die and what are new weeds. Again, this time frame is for most applications, but there are exceptions. Please refer to the drop sheet we left for you for specific information for each individual application.
The post-emergent weed controls only work on the weeds that are up at the time of the spray. We do not guarantee weed control on new weeds. You will need an additional application for the new weeds that have germinated. Most lawns need 4-5 applications per year to maintain proper weed control.
We recommend 24 hours with all our applications as a precaution. Ideally, wait the appropriate amount of time to water and let the lawn dry, before you go out on the lawn again.
With our granular products you can water them in right after the application. With our liquid sprays we usually recommend at least 12-24 hours, and then water the product in. This can vary, so check the drop-sheet we left when we applied the product.
Yes: Avenger. This product is not a systemic herbicide, so it may take a few applications to kill your weeds.
Pesticide is the term used meaning a substance that controls, kills, repels, or mitigates a pest. Therefore all herbicides are pesticides, all insecticides are pesticides, all fungicides are pesticides, etc. An herbicide controls, kills, repels, or mitigates plants. So all herbicides, even organic ones, are a type of pesticide.

Humate Soil Conditioner FAQ

Humate is a product that is mined from states like Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. It is comprised of Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid which have been scientifically proven to improve the growth and root development in plants and to foster the development of beneficial microbial species.
Humate is applied as a granular with a broadcast spreader. It is coal black in color.
Humate can be applied any time of the year. We can apply it in early spring, late spring, mid-summer, and in the fall; all work great.
Our Colorado soils have many nutrients like iron and magnesium but they are unavailable for plant uptake. As a chelating agent, Humate helps release the tied up nutrients from the soil. When Humate is applied, less fertilizer and less water are needed. It also improves overall plant health.
Humate is an incredible product. It cures fungus problems, increases grass seed germination rates, and improves soil permeability. We call Humate “the Duct tape of lawn care” because it has so many uses. Before Humate, we used the product Revive but after 1 test with Humate we switched immediately and have never used Revive since. In our experience, Humate works about 10 times more effectively than Revive.
We recommend watering as soon as you can after the application for about thirty minutes per section to start working the Humate into the soil. It will not burn your lawn if you don’t water the lawn, but it will not begin to work into the soil until you water.
Results can be seen around 3 weeks. Results are slow to start but the effects lasts for 6-12 weeks so it is also long lasting. Your lawn will turn a deep dark green and you will see an overall improved appearance. The results are not as immediate as a fertilizer treatment but they are much longer lasting. Typically results include a deeper green without the extra top growth, thicker blades of grass, and more resistance to heat stress and to foot traffic. It is a wonderful product.
Humate is considered a non-toxic substance and should not be harmful to your pets or children. Humate is an edible product but we do not recommend eating it.
If you have soils comprised of clay, your soil is lacking organic matter, the soil is having a hard time holding nutrients & water, or your lawn is lacking color and vigor, then your lawn could benefit from an application of Humate. We also apply Humate for “hot spots,” lawns with fungus problems, or lawns that lack color.
Our Humate comes from one the richest veins in the world. The Humate is 100% pure and the results are noticeably better. Less expensive Humate has lower levels of Humic and Fulvic acid. Therefore, lower grade Humate products have to be applied at higher application rates to get the same result and may take up to 4 months before it becomes available for uptake by the plant. Our Humate only takes 3-8 weeks to start working. Humate is a complicated product and not all Humate is the same.
Humate looks like crushed up coal and is jet-black in color.
Humate will last in a lawn for 6-8 months. We recommend one application every season and two applications for very poor soils or lawns with Necrotic Ring Spot Fungus.
No; Humate can be applied at 100 lbs per 1000 sq ft or 10 times a normal application without causing damage. Multiple applications will not cause damage.
Humate is a natural seed germination promoter. When Humate is applied we will get about a 25% increase in grass seed germination, compared to grass seed alone. So, applying grass seed with Humate will result in 85% germination while applying grass seed alone will result in 60% germination.

Rain Maker - Water Retention Polymer FAQ

Rain Maker is a white/clear polymer that looks like sea salt. After it gets wet it turns into a gel and looks like broken glass or jelly. It works its way into the soil within one to two weeks after it has been applied.

Rain Maker is applied as a granular with a hand spreader.
Rain Maker is not organic, but is considered non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
Rain Maker is considered non-toxic. It is the same material that is used in baby diapers to absorb water and in water filtration systems to filter pollutants from drinking water.
If they do happen to eat a few granules it will pass through their system just like a rubber/plastic chew toy would.
Rain Maker lasts in the soil for 1-2 years. Over that time it will be broken down by microbial activity or it will move down in the soil to a lower spot and be less effective. The polymers have a “memory” which is the number of times they can absorb and release water before they cannot do this anymore. This memory tends to remain active for 1 to 2 years. We recommend applying it every year to see maximum effectiveness.
Rain Maker reduces your watering needs by 25%-40% depending on air temperatures and soil consistency.
Other than the water savings, Rain Maker reduces stress on the lawn, the movement of herbicides through the soil to water sources, and the leaching of fertilizers from the soil.
We recommend staying off the lawn for 24 hours to be safe but there are no legal requirements for this product. It is non-toxic to the skin but can be slippery when wet before it has worked its way into the soil.
Rain Maker does not generate water; it makes the water you apply go farther. We still recommend watering the lawn 1 and 1/2” in the spring/fall and 2” in the summer. It will save you about a 1/2” of water per week. We cannot guarantee that this product will protect your lawn from drought.