Tree Care Services – Boulder and Fort Collins Area
Full Season Programs – Organo-Lawn has been working with organic fertilizers and organic weed controls since 1997. It is very easy to achieve a beautiful, dark green, and virtually weed free lawn if the lawn is being mowed properly, the lawn is being watered deeply and infrequently, and the lawn is on one of our organic full season lawn care programs.
Weed Controls – Organo-Lawn is the only local professional lawn care service in the Boulder and Fort Collins area that offers 100% organic weed controls that work as well as chemical weed controls. Organic weed control is now more effective than chemicals on controlling broadleaf weeds like dandelions, plantain and thistle.
Organo Lawn Specialty Products – Learn why core aeration, humate soil conditioner, sprinkler system audits, and top seeding packages may be a good addition to your full season lawn care program. These additional local lawn care services often make the difference between a nice looking lawn and a beautiful lawn.
Organo-Lawn is a professional lawn care service. Our lawn care experts are state licensed and trained in 100% organic and chemical free lawn care services. Organo-Lawn is proud to provide cat, dog, pet, people, baby, child and environmentally friendly lawn care services. Organo-Lawn specializes in Boulder and Fort Collins lawn care services for the organically or environmentally minded customers.
According to the laws of the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Lawn care services in Colorado are not allowed to use the word “safe” or “child safe” to describe their lawn care products and services. The word safe cannot be used even if the products being used are 100% organic. Therefore, Organo-Lawn is very proud to offer 100% organic, non-toxic, edible, 100% chemical-free, child-friendly, and ecologically friendly lawn care services.
Browse Frequently Asked Questions by Topic:
Lawn Care Programs and Services FAQ
Services like core aeration, Rain Maker, Humate soil conditioner, Avenger weed control, top seeding packages, rock mulch spray, and deep root tree fertilization are considered additional services or upgrade services and are not included in a full season lawn care program, but can be added at your request.
The most important lawn care service is a sprinkler audit. If the lawn is not being watered properly then it will not look healthy. Aeration is recommended for every lawn. Due to the high clay content in the soil around Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado we recommend lawn aeration at least once per year and twice per year for best results. If a lawn is thin, then a Top Seeding Package is recommended. If a lawn has a bindweed problem, then applications of Drive XLR8 are recommended. If you have trees on your property that are struggling, are newly planted, or if you just want your trees to remain healthy, Deep Root Tree Fertilization is recommended. Every property is different. A homeowner typically knows what problems they have with the lawn. If you need advice on upgrades please contact our office for assistance.
If the homeowner waters the lawn properly, mows the lawn properly, and the lawn is on a full season lawn care program, we can typically turn a bad lawn into a nice lawn in 1 year.
Crabgrass is an annual grass that will only grow in areas of the lawn that are thin due to poor sprinkler coverage or improper lawn watering. Not every lawn will get crabgrass, so we only treat the lawns that have a crabgrass problem. Typically if the sprinkler system is working properly crabgrass will not grow in the lawn.
The two most useful lawn care service upgrades are core aeration and a sprinkler system audit. Due to very high clay content in the soil, lawn aeration is very important for areas in Longmont, Boulder, Fort Collins, Niwot, Loveland, basically all of Colorado. Sprinkler system audits are the most beneficial service we provide for the health of the lawn because most homeowners do not understand how to properly water a lawn in Colorado.
The program does not include tree care, but this is an additional service that you can add to your service list. We recommend fertilization of young trees, struggling trees, oaks, ashes, birches, and maples, and especially trees that are new transplants.
Core Aeration FAQ
We stay about 6-8 inches away from the edge of the lawn. This helps protect the sprinkler heads that are on the perimeter of the lawn.
Spring and/or fall, depending on when you had an aeration done last year. Spring aeration will alleviate compaction in the soil and stimulate air movement for the summer months. Fall lawn aeration allows winter moisture into the root zone of the lawn and reduces winter desiccation. Both spring and fall aeration will allow vital nutrients, air, and water to penetrate the soil.
Fort Collins and Boulder have the typical Colorado clay soils and this makes aeration necessary for lawns at least once a year and twice a year for a lawn with heavy foot traffic from pets or children.
Yes, it is important to have soft soil. If there has been rain or snow and the ground is still moist the lawn will not need to be watered. However, if the soil is dry we strongly recommend watering the lawn the night before or in the early morning the day of the lawn aeration. If the soil is moist this will allow the tines of the aerator to penetrate the soil easier and therefore the plugs will be longer, resulting in a more successful core aeration.
The most important lawn care service is a sprinkler audit. If the lawn is not being watered properly then it will not look healthy. Aeration is recommended for every lawn. Due to the high clay content in the soil around Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado we recommend lawn aeration at least once per year and twice per year for best results. If a lawn is thin, then a Top Seeding Package is recommended. If a lawn has a bindweed problem, then applications of Drive XLR8 are recommended. If you have trees on your property that are struggling, are newly planted, or if you just want your trees to remain healthy, Deep Root Tree Fertilization is recommended. Every property is different. A homeowner typically knows what problems they have with the lawn. If you need advice on upgrades please contact our office for assistance.
Properly installed sprinkler lines should be 9 inches below the surface. We can fix your damaged sprinkler line, but we do charge for the repair. It is best to contact the company who installed the sprinkler lines and have them warranty the repair since the line was not installed properly. Please understand we are not trying to be difficult but we cannot see the underground sprinkler lines and therefore do not know how deep they are installed.
Mark any sprinkler head that is more than 6 inches from the edge of the lawn. If a sprinkler head that is more than 6 inches from the perimeter is hit and damaged by the aerator and it wasn’t marked, we will not replace the broken head. We can repair the damaged sprinkler head, but it will be at an additional charge.
The best thing to use is a flag, but you can use anything that is easily visible like large sticks, large rocks, cat food cans, or anything else that would be noticeable.
Our machines pull 1-3 inch deep plugs, depending on the compaction level of your lawn. We recommend watering the night before or early the morning of the service for about 30 minutes. A moist lawn will result in deeper plugs compared to a dry lawn. A regularly aerated lawn will get deeper plugs than a compacted lawn.
Yes, we recommend signing up for the Ultimate program. This program includes the product Synergy with corn gluten meal which reduces the amount of weeds that germinate in your lawn and the lawn will be greener and healthier without chemicals.
The two most useful lawn care service upgrades are core aeration and a sprinkler system audit. Due to very high clay content in the soil, lawn aeration is very important for areas in Longmont, Boulder, Fort Collins, Niwot, Loveland, basically all of Colorado. Sprinkler system audits are the most beneficial service we provide for the health of the lawn because most homeowners do not understand how to properly water a lawn in Colorado.
We recommend waiting until the sod has fully established, which typically takes 6 weeks to 3 months with proper lawn watering.
Power Raking FAQ
Thatch is a symptom of a lack of microbial activity in the soil. The thatch layer acts like a sponge so when you water your lawn it is difficult to get the water into the soil. The grassroots often take root in the thatch layer instead of the soil causing the lawn to dry out quickly. Most people combat this browning of the lawn with frequent lawn watering and frequent fertilizer applications to keep the turf green. These frequent watering and fertilizer applications continue to compound the thatch problem making it much worse. If the improper lawn watering and frequent lawn fertilization continues lawn diseases will soon take over the lawn.
Lawn Spider Mite Control FAQ
Spider mites are very tiny insects that are virtually invisible to the naked eye but look like spiders under a microscope. They are typically red in color.
Lawn Top Seeding Packages FAQ
All of our grass seed types look pleasing to the eye and have good color and feel soft to the touch.
- Supreme is comprised of 70% Kentucky Blue (Allblue blend), 20% Perennial Rye (Four-Play), 10% Creeping Red Fescue. This blend is a very deep green color, with excellent wear ability, good disease resistance and winter hardiness, but it requires more water and frequent mowing. Many people are drawn to bluegrass because it is very aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
- Ecological is comprised of 20% Hard Fescue, 20% Chewing’s Fescue, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Kentucky Bluegrass, and 15% Perennial Ryegrass. It is a quick establishing, dense, low growing turf that requires less mowing. The mix is very fine textured, can be used in open sun and yet has good shade and drought tolerance. It tolerates poor soil conditions and low fertility. It is not recommended for high traffic areas or athletic fields.
- Emerald III is comprised of 33.3% Jaguar II Turf-Type Tall Fescue, 33.3% Mustang Turf-Type Tall Fescue, and 33.3% Rebel II Turf-Type Tall Fescue. Emerald III is tough and durable and can tolerate low mowing heights, hot weather, and extreme drought with limited watering and is adaptable to moist soils. It bounces back from heavy foot traffic well and will perform well in sun or shade.
Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ
Do-It-Yourself Application of Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ
One Earth Weed Killer FAQ
Synergy with Corn Gluten Meal FAQ
For the highest effectiveness in controlling weed germination, we recommend applications in spring and fall. The spring application will fertilize your lawn while preventing the germination of weed seeds. The spring application needs to be applied prior to the germination of weed seeds (March 1st through March 31st is ideal). The fall application will winterize your lawn as it develops a corn gluten meal concentration in the soil. If you choose to have a fall application, we recommend you then have Synergy applied again in the spring.
- Fall and spring = 60%-80% effectiveness rate in controlling weed seed germination.
- Spring only = 40%-60% effectiveness rate in controlling weed seed germination.
- First Year = 60% control rate
- Second Year = 70% control rate
- Third Year = 80% control rate
- Fourth Year = 90%+ control rate
Do-It-Yourself Application of Organic Lawn Fertilizer FAQ
Avenger Natural Grass Killer and Weed Control FAQ
Native Area Weed Control FAQ
Drive XLR8 For Bindweed and Crabgrass Control FAQ
Drive is a post-emergent weed control that will control many broadleaf and annual grasses. We use it specifically for weed control on bindweed, crabgrass and foxtail.
Rock and Mulch Area Weed Control FAQ
Weed Controls – General Questions FAQ
Humate Soil Conditioner FAQ
Rain Maker - Water Retention Polymer FAQ
Rain Maker is a white/clear polymer that looks like sea salt. After it gets wet it turns into a gel and looks like broken glass or jelly. It works its way into the soil within one to two weeks after it has been applied.